Package format: 5 Kg.Ingredients: "Senatore Cappelli" remilled durum wheat from Puglia Flour: ground stone and packaged on sitePreparation: Ideal for preparing pizza 100% MADE IN PUGLIA
Package format: 5 Kg.Ingredients: "Senatore Cappelli" remilled durum wheat from Puglia Flour: ground stone and packaged on sitePreparation: Ideal for preparing pizza 100% MADE IN PUGLIA
Package format: 5 Kg.Ingredients: "Senatore Cappelli" remilled durum wheat from Puglia Flour: ground stone and packaged on sitePreparation: Ideal for preparing pizza 100% MADE IN PUGLIA
Package format: 5 Kg.Ingredients: "Senatore Cappelli" remilled durum wheat from Puglia Flour: ground stone and packaged on sitePreparation: Ideal for preparing pizza 100% MADE IN PUGLIA
Package format: 5Kg.Ingredients: Spelled Flour, Soft Wheat Flour, Durum Wheat Flour, Rye Flour, Barley Flour. Flour: Stone ground and packaged on site Preparation: Ideal for the preparation of baked goods.
Package format: 5Kg.Ingredients: Oat flourFlour: Stone ground and packaged on site Preparation: Ideal for the preparation of baked goods.
Package format: 500gr.Ingredients: Durum wheat "Senatore Cappelli", 15 % durum whole wheat Senatore Cappelli, waterSenatore Cappelli Flour: Durum whole wheat semolina of Puglia variety "Senatore CappelliiCooking time: 15 minutes Keep in a cold and dry place
Package format: 500gr.Ingredients: Durum wheat "Senatore Cappelli", 15 % durum whole wheat Senatore Cappelli, waterSenatore Cappelli Flour: Durum whole wheat semolina of Puglia variety "Senatore CappelliiCooking time: 15 minutes Keep in a cold and dry place
Package format: 500gr.Ingredients: Durum wheat "Senatore Cappelli", 15 % durum whole wheat Senatore Cappelli, waterSenatore Cappelli Flour: Durum whole wheat semolina of Puglia variety "Senatore CappelliiCooking time: 15 minutes Keep in a cold and dry place
Package format: 5 Kg.Ingredients: "Senatore Cappelli" remilled durum wheat from Puglia Flour: ground stone and packaged on sitePreparation: Ideal for preparing pizza 100% MADE IN PUGLIA
Package format: 500gr.Ingredients: Durum wheat "Senatore Cappelli", 15 % durum whole wheat Senatore Cappelli, waterSenatore Cappelli Flour: Durum whole wheat semolina of Puglia variety "Senatore CappelliiCooking time: 15 minutes Keep in a cold and dry place
Package format: 500gr.Ingredients: Durum wheat "Senatore Cappelli", 15 % durum whole wheat Senatore Cappelli, waterSenatore Cappelli Flour: Durum whole wheat semolina of Puglia variety "Senatore CappelliiCooking time: 15 minutes Keep in a cold and dry place
Package format: 500gr.Ingredients: Durum wheat "Senatore Cappelli", 15 % durum whole wheat Senatore Cappelli, waterSenatore Cappelli Flour: Durum whole wheat semolina of Puglia variety "Senatore CappelliiCooking time: 15 minutes Keep in a cold and dry place
Package format: 500gr.Ingredients: Durum wheat "Senatore Cappelli", 15 % durum whole wheat Senatore Cappelli, waterSenatore Cappelli Flour: Durum whole wheat semolina of Puglia variety "Senatore CappelliiCooking time: 15 minutes Keep in a cold and dry place
Package format: 500gr.Ingredients: Durum wheat "Senatore Cappelli", 15 % durum whole wheat Senatore Cappelli, waterSenatore Cappelli Flour: Durum whole wheat semolina of Puglia variety "Senatore CappelliiCooking time: 15 minutes Keep in a cold and dry place
Package format: 5Kg.Ingredients: Spelled Flour, Soft Wheat Flour, Durum Wheat Flour, Rye Flour, Barley Flour. Flour: Stone ground and packaged on site Preparation: Ideal for the preparation of baked goods.
Package format: 5Kg.Ingredients: Oat flourFlour: Stone ground and packaged on site Preparation: Ideal for the preparation of baked goods.
Package format: 500gr.Ingredients: Durum wheat "Senatore Cappelli", 15 % durum whole wheat Senatore Cappelli, waterSenatore Cappelli Flour: Durum whole wheat semolina of Puglia variety "Senatore CappelliiCooking time: 15 minutes Keep in a cold and dry place
Package format: 500gr.Ingredients: Durum wheat "Senatore Cappelli", 15 % durum whole wheat Senatore Cappelli, waterSenatore Cappelli Flour: Durum whole wheat semolina of Puglia variety "Senatore CappelliiCooking time: 15 minutes Keep in a cold and dry place
Package format: 500gr.Ingredients: Durum wheat "Senatore Cappelli", 15 % durum whole wheat Senatore Cappelli, waterSenatore Cappelli Flour: Durum whole wheat semolina of Puglia variety "Senatore CappelliiCooking time: 15 minutes Keep in a cold and dry place
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"Senatore Cappelli" whole wheat flour
Flour is one of the foundations of our diet , mainly in Mediterranean areas , where bread, pasta and pizza occupy a prominent place in the composition of diets.
Flour is a food whose quality is highly dependent on the type of grain and its milling.
The stone milling produces a flour with an irregular particle sizewith the total presence of germ and bran; no waste is eliminated and cereals remain " whole ". Our meal is more tasty and high digestibility.
We will cultivate it today with great passion and love for our land and for our agriculture.
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2020-11-24 17:25:24
Focaccia di Semola Senatore Cappelli
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Semolina Senatore Cappelli Orecchiette
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